Friday, April 05, 2019

so i guess this is my version of log cabin in e wilderness next to a lake and a forest. without the fishing or bonfire although i was given the option by the receptionist. very romantic.

currently i've been pretty unsuccessful at catching the aurora. i had all the right conditions yest but it was just cloudy and i couldnt stay awake past 2am. from pictures, i'd always had the impression that they would just appear once u had a high KP and clear skies but mother nature would let us have it easy. KP 5 with the right conditions, let me throw u a heavy cloud cover with snow while some lucky gal on fb caught her full blast aurora while touching down at keflavik airport. very depressing. so kp, solar wind speed, some negative ions thingy and good cloud cover.

the snow does make everything look clean and it's easier to think about life here than on the lake at pokahara in nepal where the fruit seller repeated offered me fruit while i was trying to have a zen moment.

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