Tuesday, July 09, 2019

kampong isotorq

the two day one night hike was crazy and totally worth it. everyone's been a lil bit looney and extremely patient and that has always been an inspiring, especially on hike when i just feel so terrible having people to wait or go the extra mile like wading back on the river just to get me across but it was great.

the glacier wall was very impressive and there were bits and pieces of ice bits calving into the water. we missed the big ones though. and maximus just went crazy with the rocks cus we were trying to pick some for ourselves, esp those gold ones. he ended up chasing after the artic hare n stefan promptly bellowed across the valley just to get him to come back.

it was my second time camping overnight, the first being in bukit lawang. it was similar. i couldnt sleep well and it got really cold in the night n i'm glad i didnt have to take a dump near the campsite like i did previously. n e campfire tt daniel set up was good for burning my toilet paper.

the hike next day was crazy cus we had to cross this wide river bed which was freezing and everyone got past it without any problems except for me. ginny had to carry my shoe n pull me over n she told me later that usually she would just scamper across n get herself wet cus she's nuts that way but she had to put on a guide face so we got across pretty dry. we chanced upon a herd of musk ox which thankfully ginny spotted early. wouldve really loved to get closer to them but they were a lil bit too aggressive for anyone's liking so we had to scale the steep slope next to it and then later scamper down a steep slope because we had to get to stefan's boat n the radio wasnt working.

i dont know how i'm going to rmb this hike n i had no big plans to hike in greenland initially but i'm glad i managed to hike n camp in greenland with the best guide and the best group of people =) there's all this talk abt global warming but it's ironic in a way that stefan doesnt really believe in it whereas the mongolian family is badly hit by the weather and the lack of grassland. maybe the earth has a way of regulating itself by cleaning out what she doesnt need n maybe by then, all of us will be gone.

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