Tuesday, June 11, 2019

it's not funny

i got really offended by this phrase when i was trying to fish for my tickets to board the airbus departing edinburgh.

apparently they use if often in a common conversation but i just find it highly offensive.

faroe islands has been a flurry of events almost every other day. besides the daily cleaning and organising. there were alot of first that were really unforgettable

helicopters, puffins, sleeping on a classic sail boat, have a very personal second hand experience of what whaling means to the faroese. n i still cant dance for nuts.

asians are rare here. and it's really nice to call home and speak normal and bitch/gossip about others. i had a very interesting talk with my shit japanese with a very very friendly and unjapanese guy who married and followed his wife here.

i've also have had to be partially responsible for feeding and cleaning animals, pet dogs and wild ducks and turtles that have been slightly forgotten because of their busy lifestyle.

the kindness of the people here have been really amazing. they are selfless and would go out to help even if it doesnt even benefit them. like driving us to effo when we were drenched and missed the bus, and having another successful hitchhike at effo to torshavn. but i've also wondered if the community is so tight knit, what happens to those that dont fit in? like the two couples who stayed on the island koltur and one had to move? what if i hate all this socialising and just want a time out? does everyone have a difficult time saying no or is socialising the only way up. which is technically how ours work now.

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